PFT Staff Sharepoint

Springhead Park Primary School

Nurturing Today, Empowering Tomorrow

PFT Staff Sharepoint
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Welcome To

Springhead Park Primary School

Nurturing Today, Empowering Tomorrow


Assistant Headteacher, Inclusion Lead and SENDCo

Miss Natalie Cook

Springhead Park Primary offers a holistic approach to primary education for the local community. We are an inclusive school and ensure that each and every pupil has an equal opportunity to attain their maximum potential throughout all aspects of the curriculum. At Springhead Park Primary, all pupils irrespective of ability, race, gender or need, are respected and valued as individuals. This is reflected in the schools organisational and curriculum structure, its assessment and rewards systems, the arrangements made for careers’ education and work experience. Pupils with SEND are integrated and included fully into the life of the school as a whole, including its social and cultural activities and access a full curriculum that is differentiated to suit their individual needs. 

SEND Policy and Information Report

An Introduction to ADHD for parents and carers

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