Wrap Around Care (Breakfast and After school Club)
Springhead Park Breakfast Club
Opening Times (Term time only and excluding INSET Days)
Before school: 7.45am – 8.45am
We aim to provide a nutritious breakfast and a relaxed start to the school day. Breakfast will consist of cereals and yoghurts together with a choice of hot food available. The hot food choices are usually: -
- beans on toast
- butter / jam on toast
- butter / jam on crumpet
*Please note that children should arrive by 8.00am if they wish to have hot food.
Breakfast Club Fees (per child / per session) and payable in advance:
7.45am – 8.45am = £5.00
For further information and an application form please contact the school office on 01474 555155 or office@springhead.kent.sch.uk
7:45 am Doors open / free play
8.00am Orders placed for hot food
8.10am Breakfast served
8.20am Outdoor play (weather permitting)
8:45am. Children will be taken to their classroom
Bookings may be made up until midnight the day before via the Teacher2Parent app. If you are using the facility for the first time please complete and return the attached form.
Please note we are unable to take children who are still wearing nappies.
Springhead Park After School Club
Opening Times (Term time only and excluding INSET Days)
After school: 3.20pm – 6.00pm
Bookings may be made up until midnight the day before via the Teacher2Parent app. If you require an ‘on the day’ booking please contact the school office.
We offer play and educational opportunities that are both fun and challenging. We will promote the fun, choice, safety, potential and diversity of all users and staff of the club. Our After School Club is fully equipped with experienced staff to ensure your child has a great time.
The club will provide a balanced range of activities, taking account of the ages, development needs, interest and hours and pattern of attendance of each child. The after school club will also provide food for your child if your child is hungry.
At the end of the School day your child’s class teacher will take them to Club.
After School Club Fees (per child / per session):
3.20pm – 4.30pm = £5.00
Then £2.00 for each additional ½ hour until 6.00pm.
For further information please contact the school office on 01474 555155 or office@springhead.kent.sch.uk
Bookings may be made up until midnight the day before via the Teacher2Parent app. If you are using the facility for the first time please complete and return the attached form.
If someone different is collecting you MUST notify the School Office.
If you are running late to collect your child from the After School Club please phone 01474 555 152. Please only use this number after 4.00pm. Without a valid reason for a late collection we will issue a £10 fine, per child, every 15 minutes.