Reading Records
All children from Reception to Year 6 have a reading record.
Parents or carers should note which reading has taken place each day, Monday to Friday. There is also space to note reading which has taken place over the weekend. Older children who are able to may write a note themselves daily about what they have read. This note can simply be which pages or book has been read. Parents/carers are expected to sign their child’s reading record weekly to confirm what has been read. Reading records will be checked on Mondays, but please ensure your child has their reading record in school every day.
In their reading record, your child will have been set a reading target, which may be a target for phonics learning (in reception, and KS1) or comprehension (in KS2). This will support reading at home as it will give a focus to the discussion you can have around the reading that has taken place.
There is also a space for any additional comments you may wish to make to your child’s teacher. Please remember, that any urgent messages, such as appointment notifications etc, should not be written in the reading record but should be emailed to the school office, as records will only be checked once weekly, on a Monday.
In KS1 and KS2, reading records also have a space for children and teachers to note weekly spelling test (and times tables tests in KS2) scores, as well as a record for home learning being completed.