PFT Staff Sharepoint

Springhead Park Primary School

Nurturing Today, Empowering Tomorrow

PFT Staff Sharepoint
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Springhead Park Primary School

Nurturing Today, Empowering Tomorrow

Term 1 - Our World: The Facts about Climate Change

This term our topic will be focusing on looking at the effects of global warming and climate change and exploring different ways it can be reduced. 


We will be reading 'Where The River Runs Gold' by Sita Brahmachari. This book explores what life could be like is our world is not looked after and protected. 


We will be using this topic to inform our Writing this term. We will be developing our skills of narrative, poetry and persuasive writing. 


We will be exploring this topic through our Geography lessons. We will look at how climate change occurs and the effects it is having and may have in the future. We will look at how it can be reduced too. We will explore the different biomes of the Earth and how climate change affects them differently. 


In our Maths learning, we will begin by reviewing the place value of numbers, including reading, writing, comparing, ordering and rounding 6 digit numbers. We will then begin our calculation topic by consolidating our knowledge of using the column method for addition and subtraction and using this to answer multi-step problems. We will also begin to look at the formal written methods for long multiplication and division before learning about prime, square and cube numbers. 


In out Science lessons, we will be learning about the human circulatory system and the role of the heart, lungs and blood. We will also explore how to keep fit and healthy. 


In our Art learning, we will be looking at developing our drawing skills with charcoal, using the work of Käthe Kollwitz for inspiration. 


In our Spanish lessons we will be consolidating our previous learning by reviewing how to ask simple questions. 


In PE, we will be playing Hockey, learning the rules and perfecting our skills to defend, pass and shoot. 


In our RE lessons, we will be learning what Christians and Humanists believe, and how their beliefs are similar and different. 


Lastly, in our PSHE lessons, we will be learning about the topic 'Being Me In My World'. We will be setting goals for the year and learning how to be a good citizen. 


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