Term 5
This term in Wolf Class we will be learning all about Sound. Some of the skills we will cover involve:
- identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating.
- Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear.
- Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it.
- Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.
- Recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.
- Demonstrate that sound can travel through gas and liquid. Scratch a desk and listen to the sound through the air and then place your ear on the desk and listen again. Know that the sound is louder when it travels through the desk.
Our history topic for the term will be looking more closely at the impact the Romans had on our local area. The skills we will be developing this term include:
Use maps to understand where locations of historical areas may have differed to modern ones.
Use images of artefacts to understand how people lived.
Use first hand accounts (archaeological evaluations) to research the process of archaeological digs.
Compare local sites in the past and the present.
Debate if archaeologist interpretations provide accurate and reliable sources of information based on their credibility and children’s prior knowledge.
Finally, our book for this term is 'Roman Diary' by Richard Platt.
Iliona never imagined that her sea voyage from Greece to Egypt would lead to Rome, but when she is captured by pirates and auctioned off as a slave, that's where she lands. Readers are invited to view the wonders of Rome through Iliona's eyes--the luxury, the excess, and the politics.