Term 2 - WW2: The Home Front
Over the next two terms, we will be learning about WW2 and The Home Front.
We will be reading 'Goodnight Mister Tom' by Michelle Magorian. This book explores the story of a young evacuee, Willie, who is rehomed with the seemingly grumpy Mister Tom.
We will be using this topic to inform our Writing this term. We will be developing our skills of narrative writing and exploring how to develop character within our writing, before looking at war poetry.
We will be exploring this topic through our History lessons. We will begin by looking at the early events which led to the outbreak of WW2, before learning about rationing, evacuation, the Dig For Victory campaign, propaganda and the role of women on the home front.
In our Maths learning, we will be exploring fractions, moving onto calculating with fractions using all four operations. Finally, we will look at finding fractions of amounts.
In our Art learning, we will be looking at fashion of the 1940s, when WW2 took place. We will be exploring the work of fashion designer Peter Russell. We will be designing and creating our own 1940s style waistcoat, complete with embroidery and embellishment.
In our Spanish lessons we will be looking at how to explain different jobs people can do as well as learning the vocabulary around 3D shapes.
In PE, we will be playing Hockey, learning the rules and perfecting our skills to defend, pass and shoot.
In our RE lessons, we will be learning what Christians and Humanists believe, and how their beliefs are similar and different.
Lastly, in our PSHE lessons, we will be learning about the topic 'Celebrating Differences' and exploring how differences make up our community and how they can be celebrated.