PFT Staff Sharepoint

Springhead Park Primary School

Nurturing Today, Empowering Tomorrow

PFT Staff Sharepoint
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Springhead Park Primary School

Nurturing Today, Empowering Tomorrow

Term 4 - The Interesting Indus Valley

This term, we will be learning about the interesting ancient Indus Valley civilisation. 


We will be reading stories from 'Tales from India' by Bali Rai. We will enjoy a variety of stories from Indian folklore.


In our Writing lessons, we will be developing our skills of narrative, instructional, formal and non chronological report writing. 


We will be exploring this topic through our History lessons too. We will be looking at the key events throughout the Indus Valley Civilisation, before exploring the how they designed their cities, traded and even the jewellery they wore. 


In our Maths learning, we will be starting by consolidating our learning so far and completing the maths curriculum, by covering topics such as statistics, geometry and measure.


In out Science lessons, we will be learning about evolution and inheritance, looking at the theory of natural selection and how different animals and species are classified.


In our Spanish lessons we will be learning how to name different locations and buildings in our towns, as well as explain where we live. 


In PE, we will be practising our basketball skills, involving defending, passing and shooting.


In our RE lessons, we will be continuing to explore what different religions believe about arts, architecture, charity and generosity.


Lastly, in our PSHE lessons, we will be learning about the topic 'Healthy Me' where we will learn about making healthy choices in our life and how to keep physically and mentally fit and well. 

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