Term 5 - Victorian Britain: Changing Times
Our Learning
In English this term, we will be learning about narrative writing - adventure story, explanation text about Darwin's theory of evolution and newspaper report as well as creating our own piece of writing after each topic. We will link our geography learning about Charles Darwin with our creative writing.
Our reading text is ‘Darwin’s Dragons’ by Lindsay Galvin. We will be working on skills such as comprehension - PEE, inference, retrieval, summary, explain, vocabulary which is the use of dictionary to understand meaning and thesaurus to consider alternatives, role play, conscience alley, debates in character as well as prediction.
This term in maths, our focus will be on number - statistics, geometry - shapes and angles, position and direction. This will also include word problems - reasoning and problem-solving activities.
Knowledge and Skills Organiser
Term 5 Homework Project
The termly homework project is a chance for the children to showcase their learning in any form they like. The project title for this term is ‘Victorian Britain - Changing Times’.
The tasks on the sheet are suggestions that the children can use or they can come up with their own way of completing the project. They do not have to complete all of the tasks on the sheet, they only need to produce one piece of homework.
This can either be submitted on teams as a document, photo or video, or it can be handed in class to Miss Adewale.
The due date for this project is Friday 17th May.
Feedback will be given through teams shortly after this date.